Monday, August 18, 2008

Admin Pack in Windows Vista

I have to use AD (Active Directory) frequently for my office work to identify some issues and troubleshoot, either interactively or remotely. Remote connection has made easy with the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack which you can download and install in your PC. WS2k3 Admin pack is supported by Windows XP, Win2000, and Windows 2003 workstation without any hassle.

But unfortunately I have a Windows Vista Business Edition running in my HPdc7800 Core 2 Duo 2.33GHz system and it is not directly supported by this Admin pack. :( I had bit annoying time with connecting and managing AD because either I have to remotely connect to that DC or have to connect to other PC which is running Admin pack. But with this new script it is running smoothly with my own Vista machine.

You must first run the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack under your user account (Account which needs the Admin Pack), make sure that you have the local administrative privileges otherwise you can not perform this properly. When you try to access the Windows Server 2003 management tools after installation you will get an empty console. Additionally, you will receive the following error message. MMC could not create the snap-in.

Do the following to resolve the problem;

Register the Windows Server 2003 management tools on a domain user account. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Log on to Windows Vista as a user who has local administrator permissions.

2. Create the RegisterAdminPak.cmd script. To do this, follow these steps:

I. Start Notepad, and then open a blank document.

II. Paste the following code to the document in Notepad:

@echo off
REM RegisterAdminPak.cmd
REM (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
set filelist=adprop.dll azroles.dll azroleui.dll ccfg95.dll
set filelist=%filelist% certadm.dll certmmc.dll certpdef.dll certtmpl.dll
set filelist=%filelist% certxds.dll cladmwiz.dll clcfgsrv.dll clnetrex.dll
set filelist=%filelist% cluadmex.dll cluadmmc.dll cmproxy.dll cmroute.dll
set filelist=%filelist% cmutoa.dll cnet16.dll debugex.dll dfscore.dll
set filelist=%filelist% dfsgui.dll dhcpsnap.dll dnsmgr.dll domadmin.dll
set filelist=%filelist% dsadmin.dll dsuiwiz.dll imadmui.dll lrwizdll.dll
set filelist=%filelist% mprsnap.dll msclus.dll mstsmhst.dll mstsmmc.dll
set filelist=%filelist% nntpadm.dll nntpapi.dll nntpsnap.dll ntdsbsrv.dll
set filelist=%filelist% ntfrsapi.dll rasuser.dll rigpsnap.dll rsadmin.dll
set filelist=%filelist% rscommon.dll rsconn.dll rsengps.dll rsjob.dll
set filelist=%filelist% rsservps.dll rsshell.dll rssubps.dll rtrfiltr.dll
set filelist=%filelist% schmmgmt.dll tapisnap.dll tsuserex.dll vsstskex.dll
set filelist=%filelist% w95inf16.dll w95inf32.dll winsevnt.dll winsmon.dll
set filelist=%filelist% winsrpc.dll winssnap.dll ws03res.dll
for %%i in (%filelist%) do (
        echo Registering %%i ...
        regsvr32 /s %%i 
Echo Command Completed

III. On the File menu, click Save.

IV. In the Save as type box, click All Files, type C:\Users\UserAccountName\RegisterAdminPak.cmd in the File name box, and then click Save.

3. Run RegisterAdminPak.cmd from a command prompt. To do this, follow these steps:

Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator

I. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type your password, or click Continue.

II. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER.

III. C:\Users\UserAccountName\RegisterAdminPak.cmd

Now you are ready to use Admin Pack in Windows Vista. Enjoy. :)


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Works great.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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